Tax Planning
It’s no secret that estate planning can be advantageous for the tax positions of both individuals and families. We provide clients with comprehensive advice that enables a successful transfer of wealth in the most tax-efficient manner, both during their lifetimes and at death. There are many different taxes of which to be aware of when considering your estate plan, including federal and state estate tax, federal and state gift tax, generation-skipping transfer tax, and federal, state and local income tax.
Increasingly, income tax planning is becoming just as important as transfer tax planning. We have been trailblazers in the field of tax planning for more than 50 years. We often employ creative and elegant solutions to complex problems, ensuring at all times that you are proceeding in the most tax-wise manner.
Selected Strategies
⦁ Trust Planning (e.g., Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts (SLATs)
⦁ Shifting Trust State Income Tax Jurisdiction
⦁ Discount/Valuation Planning
⦁ Fractionalizing Interests in Real and Personal Property
⦁ Re-titling of Assets
⦁ Annual Gifting Programs
⦁ Installment Sales to Grantor Trusts
⦁ Self-Cancelling Installment Notes
⦁ Cost Basis Planning
⦁ 1031 Exchanges
⦁ Post-Mortem Tax Planning
⦁ Disclaimer Planning
⦁ Preparation of State and Federal Estate Tax Returns
⦁ Preparation of Federal Gift Tax Returns
⦁ Tax Controversies with the IRS
⦁ Private Letter Rulings